Author Archives: Pastor

2nd to Last Sunday in the Church Year

Grace and peace be unto you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. In Revelation 20[:11-15] St. John vividly sees the final judgment of all mankind that takes place after the resurrection of the body. He writes: … Continue reading

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3rd to Last Sunday in the Church Year

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. In today’s gospel lesson Jesus instructs His disciples about the approaching fall of the city of Jerusalem. None of these twelve will be in … Continue reading

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22nd Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 18:23–35)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. This servant is in deep, over his head, in fact. The king wants to settle accounts with his servants and this man owes ten … Continue reading

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Festival of the Reformation (Galatians 2:16-21 & John 8:31-36)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” … Continue reading

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20th Sunday after Trinity (Ephesians 5.15–21 and Matthew 22.1–14)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Jesus tells the parable of the wedding banquet during Holy Week. The chief priests and some pharisees have confronted Jesus about His authority to … Continue reading

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19th Sunday after Trinity (Ephesians 4.22-28 & Matthew 9.1-8)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. “For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise and walk’?” It’s easier to tell someone their sins … Continue reading

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18th Sunday after Trinity (1 Corinthians 1.4–9 and Matthew 23:34-46)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Today’s gospel lesson takes us to Tuesday of Holy Week. Jesus had just silenced a group of Sadducees who tried to trip Him up. … Continue reading

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17th Sunday after Trinity (Ephesians 4:1-6 & Luke 14:1-11)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Jesus dines at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees on the Sabbath. The Pharisees were very strict about the observation of the … Continue reading

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16th Sunday after Trinity (Ephesians 3.13–21 and Luke 7.11–17)

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen The widow at Nain surely suffered greatly. When Jesus came near the gate of the city, a dead man was being carried out, the … Continue reading

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15th Sunday after Trinity (Galatians 5.25-6.10 and Matthew 6.24-34)

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the … Continue reading

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