Our History

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Kerrville, TX began as a mere handful of Christians meeting in various homes in worship services conducted by the Rev. W. H. Bewie, Field Secretary of Missions of the Texas District-Missouri Synod, from Austin.  As membership grew, the Rev. Henry Schroeder came to serve as resident minister 1945-48, officially organizing the congregation June 7, 1946. In 1946 the present property was acquired, a used barracks building was moved into place, and worship services held on the church’s own land; the first unit of the permanent facilities was erected.

On October 1, 1950 the present church building was dedicated to the service and glory of God.  In May 1954 the Schuh Memorial Building was built and dedicated, both as gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Schulz; 1983-85 school/office buildings were remodeled, the last wing dedicated in 1988.

Through the years, Holy Cross has been served by a number of dedicated pastors: the Rev. A. B. Wagner (1948-1971); the Rev. Steve Kappler (1972-1988); the Rev. Ahlert Strand, associate pastor (1985-1989); the Rev. Rolf Larsen (1989-2004); and the part-time services of the Rev. Richard Snyder (2004-2008).  In 2008, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the congregation called the Rev. Joshua Sullivan as Pastor.

A Christian Day School was opened in the Fall of 1947, with additional classrooms added as needed.  During the years of service in the Lord’s Kingdom, our school was blessed with dedicated principals and teachers. The day school closed in December of 2009.

In July 2011 Holy Cross left the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod  over the synod’s continual refusal to address the false teachings and unscriptural practices among member pastors, congregations, districts, and of the Synod itself. This was painful, but necessary since scripture commands us to separate from false teachers.

The Triune God continues to bless Holy Cross with His pure Gospel of the forgiveness of sins in both Word and Sacrament. We give thanks to the Lord for the rich history He has given us even as we look forward to the promised blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ in this life and the life of the world to come.