LCMS Errors

Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Kerrville, Texas, officially organized as a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on June 7, 1946. Sixty-five years later, on July 31, 2011, the congregation seceded from The LCMS.

Why did the congregation decide to disassociate from the synod with which it had always been affiliated? False teaching at the synodical level and widespread toleration of false teachers in her midst. The congregation studied synodical doctrinal statements and resolutions passed in convention. This study demonstrated that the synod had changed her public doctrine and practices over the course of time in order to accommodate error. It also became evident that the synod regularly failed to discipline members of the synod—church workers and congregations—who introduced false doctrines and encouraged practices contrary to the Scripture and Lutheran Confessions, not to mention the synod’s constitution and bylaws.

While individuals, congregations, and groups have tried to reform the LCMS to the Scripture and Lutheran Confessions, all such attempts have ultimately failed. The synod still speaks contrary to Scripture and the Confessions on several matters. It also continues to tolerate falsehood among its members. Realizing that the congregation was not of one mind with the LCMS, Holy Cross separated itself from communion with the synod, no longer wanting to participate in the synod’s errors by its voluntary membership.

The following pages are chapters from a booklet Pastor Sullivan produced to make these errors and their entrenchment known, as well as the Scriptural response to entrenched errors. Booklets are available in the Narthex at Holy Cross, or by emailing Pastor.

Natural Bread and Wine
Open Communion
Contemporary Worship
Lay Ministry
Objective Justification
Church Fellowship
How to Respond