During Advent and Lent midweek prayer offices are held at Holy Cross. Traditionally we celebrate Matins on the Wednesdays during Advent and Lent at 11 AM.
The season of Advent (Latin for “Coming, Arrival) begins the Sunday closest to November 30th (St. Andrew’s Day). The season of Advent directs our focus to the three comings of Christ: First as a baby in Bethlehem to atone for the sins of the world; second, as Christ comes weekly to us in the Word and Sacraments; and third, His coming in Glory to judge both the living and the dead. As we contemplate each advent of Christ we take special heed to self-examination, repentance and Christ’s absolving word which sets us free from our sins and makes us ready for His final advent when He comes again in glory.
The season of Lent (Latin for “Spring”) begins on forty-six days before Easter Sunday. Lent directs our focus to our great need before God, our helpless condition as sinners, and to the great work Christ accomplishes in His ministry, passion, and death. The Lenten season culminates with Passiontide, beginning on the Fifth Sunday in Lent, which sharpens our focus to the sufferings of Christ as He atones for the sins of the world, so that that atonement might be given to us in His Word and Sacraments.
During these seasons, sometimes called the penitential seasons, the church offers more opportunities to hear the Word of the Lord, mediate upon it, and apply it to ourselves.