Galatians 4.21-31 + John 6.1-15
Laetare, the 4th Sunday in Lent
Amos Sullivan Confirmation
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jesus feeds the five thousand with five barley loves and two small fish, and the crowd has as much as they wanted. Afterwards, the disciples filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten. The crowd of five thousand men experiences bread in the wilderness and make the connection. “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world,” the say. The Lord told Moses in Deuteronomy 18:18, “I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.” What could be more like Moses than miraculously feeding a crowd of people in the wilderness with bread? They have the idea to take Jesus by force and make Him their king. There’s no doubt they wanted Him to be their king because He could provide daily bread for them like Moses had. But did they see in Jesus something else? Did they see Jesus as a prophet like Moses who would destroy their earthly enemies—in their case, the Romans—as Moses led Israel in victory against the Egyptians and Amalekites. Did they see Jesus as a new lawgiver, who would usher in a golden age in which everyone obeyed Moses’ law and God rewarded Israel with earthly peace and prosperity? Did they rejoice at the possibility of a Jerusalem, a temple, and a people restored to their former glory?
Jesus perceives these hopes in their hearts and retreats to the mountain by Himself alone. The crowd was right, He was The Prophet like Moses whom God foretold to Moses, the One to whom all people should listen and believe. But He is not the prophet they are looking for. He is not a new lawgiver. He is not earthly king who will rule over an earthly Israel in an earthly Jerusalem, an earthly temple, nor will He usher in an age of peace and prosperity for the Jews. He is a king. He will tell Pilate on the morning of His death, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here” (Jn 18:36). The eternal Son of God did not become man to establish an earthly kingdom; not then, not now, not in the end times or on the Last Day. His kingdom is not from here. Nor is it a kingdom that operates like an earthly one. Where it is from? St. Paul tells us in today’s epistle lesson.
He tells us that Jesus’ kingdom, His Jerusalem, is the Jerusalem above, which is free. To understand what the apostle means by this we must understand His allegory. He says Abraham had two sons. Each symbolizes a covenant. The first, Ishmael, Abraham conceived by the bondwoman and was conceived according to the flesh, that is, according to the natural way that children are conceived, apart from the promise of and the Word of God. The second son, Isaac, was not only born of the free woman, Sarah, but through God’s promise. God promised Isaac to Abraham and that he would be Abraham’s heir. These two ways of being born—according to the flesh and through promise—signify the works of the law and faith in the gospel, the Jerusalem that now is, and the Jerusalem from above.
The Jerusalem which is now, is not so much the physical city, but the religion of the law enshrined there. The Law brings forth children who are slaves. They are under the law’s coercion. They think that if they want to live eternally, they must do this and that. They must do certain things in order to be righteous in God’s sight. They must abstain from other things to remain righteous in God’s sight. But coercion cannot fulfill the law should be done in love for God, not because one has to. Not only are they coerced by the law, if they are honest with themselves, they are condemned by the law. The law says, “You shall not,” but the honest man will admit that He has done that very thing which God forbade. The law says, “You shall,” but the honest man will admit that he has not done the very thing that God commanded. And though he be outwardly pure and pristine in his words and behavior, he will see that in His heart he has done that which the law forbids and not done that which the law demands he do. This is why St. Peter called the law “a yoke . . . which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?” (Ac 15:10). There is no salvation by works of the law, according to the flesh. This is why this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which is now, and is in bondage with her children.” It does not bring forth sons, but slaves. This is not the Jerusalem over which Christ will reign, an earthly kingdom which tries to make children of Abraham according to the flesh, by works of the law.
He will only be king of the Jerusalem above, that is, the spiritual Jerusalem, the church. This Jerusalem is free from the law’s coercion because Christ has taken the law upon Himself and done it all willingly. This Jerusalem is free from the law’s condemnation because Christ has done all the law perfectly, from the heart. This Jerusalem gives birth to children for Abraham, not according to the flesh and works of the law, but as Isaac was born—through promise. It is not achieved by works of the law. It is received by faith in the promise of the Gospel, the promise that for Christ’s sake, God freely forgives the sins of the penitent, regenerates them as sons of God, and gives them His Holy Spirit and eternal salvation. Faith in the promise means God sees you covered in the righteousness of Jesus. Faith in the promise means God has made you His son. Faith in the promise means you are free from the law’s coercion and condemnation. You may now live according to the law, loving God and neighbor as yourself, in thankfulness and praise that you have been reborn by God. It is by the gospel that Christ reigns in your hearts—and the hearts of all believers—in the true Jerusalem.
Since Christ reigns in us, not with the law for our condemnation, but with the gospel and its freedom from sin, guilt, and eternal death, so that we have new life with God, we freely answer Isaiah’s call which we sang in the Introit. The prophet wrote, “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, All you who love her, rejoice with he; Rejoice for joy with her, All you who mourn for her” (Is 66:10). Rejoice that the Jerusalem above, which is your mother, for it is the Holy Christian Church that Christ has rebirthed you in water combined with His word. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad with her, for in her Christ feeds you, not with barely loves and fish, but with His word and sacrament. For by the clear and pure preaching, Christ nourishes your souls. By His body and blood in the Sacrament, Christ nourishes your faith, strengthening it to persevere trials and crosses with joy. Rejoice that though the world sees the Jerusalem above as desolate and looks down upon her because she seems small and weak, she continues to give birth to children of Abraham, sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, and she will endure forever, even against the gates of Hell itself.
Today we have another reason to rejoice. Fourteen years ago, the Jerusalem above gave birth to a son of God. On the day of his birth according to the flesh, Amos Wells was also born from above through water and the Spirit in the waters of Holy Baptism. Amos was justified by faith—which the Holy Spirit created in his heart that day—not by any works he worked or merits he merited. He has continued in the faith and learned the Faith into which He was baptized. Now he is ready to confess the Christian faith publicly, desiring to receive the forgiveness of his sins, life, and salvation in His Lord’s Supper. Today is not another rebirth, for Confirmation is not a sacrament. It was instituted by man. Nor is today an augmentation of the gifts God gave him in baptism, for the gifts Christ gave Amos in baptism don’t need any supplementation. God does not deal in incomplete gifts, nor does He make half-children in baptism. Today we rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad with her, for she is not bearing a new son of God, but admitting one of her sons to her Lord’s Table to be fed and nourished with Christ’s very body and blood for the strengthening and perseverance of his faith.
Let this reason to rejoice encourage you in your faith in Christ—that you are children of the promise because you know and believe in Christ. Let this reason to rejoice encourage your confession of Christ—that He justifies you by penitent faith in Christ by each day, and not your works and merits. Let this reason rejoice remind you that you are citizens of Jerusalem, not the earthly city, enslaved to sin and burdened by an unbearable yoke, but the Jerusalem above which is free, and that means you are free—from sin, from the law’s condemnation, and from the law’s coercion. You are free to live as sons of God who have all of His promises. Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad with her. Amen!
May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.